If you’re having a tough time to make the monthly minimum payments on your credit cards and other forms of unsecured debt, then a debt management program (DMP) might be the answer to all your problems. A debt management program can make you debt free and help you get back the control over your finances. Most of the people become overextended with debt as a result of delayed payments that lead to late fees and increased interest rates. People often spend frivolously with their credit cards and max out on their cards, which subsequently result in over the limit fees.
With extra fees and raised interest rates, your payments go out of your control and you find it harder to pay off your debts. In this kind of circumstances, you can use a debt management program to come out of the debt trap.
Collect your statements for credit cards and all other unsecured debts. Also get your paycheck stubs and records of other income. Lastly, prepare a list of your monthly expenditures, for example utility bills, housing expenses, conveyance bills and other monthly expenses. You would require these items for the purpose of formulating a debt management plan.
Find a trustworthy consumer credit counseling agency in your neighborhood. Make an appointment with them and you must not forget to carry the records you have collected. The consumer credit counseling agency would help you make a practical evaluation of your finances and would communicate with your creditors on your behalf to bargain reduced interest rates, relinquishment of fees and possibly extension of your repayment term to pay down your debts. In doing this, they would assess your repayment capacity. As soon as your creditors have accepted the debt management plan, the consumer credit counseling agency would process your payments. Some agencies charge a nominal monthly fee, which is optional most of the time.
You just need to make one monthly payment regularly to your consumer credit counseling agency. Subsequently, the agency would allocate the payment among your creditors in line with the debt management program.
Monday, December 28, 2009
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